Midnight Juggernauts' first release lead to some of my all-time favorite remixes so it's no surprise that their new single would lead to some great stuff as well. With some great names on the package including
Emperor Machine,
The Juan Maclean, and M
emory Tapes. I personally am feeling the ladder two much more so those are the two I have for you today. The first time I listened to the
Memory Tapes remix I kind of went, "eh I guess this is interesting", and since then, listen by listen, my response has been progressively better. At this point I'm at the stage where I love it, and am probably completely overplaying it. It's a very diverse mix with so many ideas crammed in to a 5 minute space that it becomes mind numbingly brilliant in it's movement. Now
The Juan Maclean remix definitely holds it's own. Great percussion work, vocal chops, and some great bass combine for 7 minutes of great disco flavored indie-electro.
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