Sunday, January 18, 2009

We Kids

This just got played on BBC Radio 1. Im not quite sure what to think about it yet. It sounds like a Justice production but has a weird feeling to it. You be the judge.

Justice - We Kids (Radio Rip) (ALT)

34 Responses to “We Kids”

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cheap knock-off. Those synthesized bass slaps are too shitty. Don't think it's them.

Anonymous said...

this is criminal!
absolute justice rip off,
from the slap base to the organ!
and the vocals...
these people should be shot.
whoever they are.

Anonymous said...

No. It's just that Justice themselves sounds like a cheap rip-off.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like trying to do a new DANCE. I think it could be Justice. Nevertheless I like it ;)

Anonymous said...

Can someone make a new download link?

Unknown said...

if it is, this would be the first justice track i don't like.

Anonymous said...

oh well, generic electronic band now.

Unknown said...

This is pretty garbage, IMO. Justice? Say it ain't so...

Anonymous said...

I expected better from them.
I guess once you put out such an amazing album like cross its hard to produce new stuff that will make you stand out on top of everyone else

Anonymous said...

this shit is amazing

Anonymous said...

This is criminal to think that can be from Justice

Anonymous said...

It's Daft Punk!!!!! baby their back

***** Daft Punk******

well i hope ...

Anonymous said...

You people are dumb... this is not Justice or Daft Punk. This is how rumors get spread.

Unknown said...

sounds like little dirty trip (vicarious bliss remix), from yuksek

Anonymous said...

Think about it though. Although it does sound alot like the justice sound from like We are your Friends and the N.E.R.D remix, it does not at all resemble the stuff theyve been putting out as of late.

The Electric feel remix and Planisphere is like that very high, epic, prog rock feel that i don't get from this track. While i dont deny that it could be justice, I dont think it is. It sounds pretty similar to that fake womanizer remix that was supposedly justice, listen to the bass slaps in this song and the womanizer remix. they sound the same.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Verdugo this very much sounds like a vicarious bliss remix.

Anonymous said...

Did this really get played on R1?

If you hate this check out 'Galvatrons - When we were Kids (Bag Raiders Remix' it's much better

If you love this check out 'Galvatrons - When we were Kids (Bag Raiders Remix' - you'll understand what a good track is.

This is crap & I would stake money on it that it's not Justice

Anonymous said...

Please dont let this be justice - that fake slap bass is so horrible and the song is WEAK.

Anonymous said...

Ehm, is those vocals sound like a mix between the DVNO guy, Chromeo, and cut copy....

As for the "JUSTICE" part, i don't hear any of the normal distorted silence, or the new planisphere-esque guitar shreds...

Or the manic buzzing key drops ala waters...

I'ma say this is a knock off, possibly an ed rec remix, vicarious bliss or dunno could be cut copy...

Anonymous said...

hahaha! This track must be a piss take!

I hope it is made by Justice, and thatthey are taking the piss out of people trying to imitate there sound.

† † † † † † † † † † † †

Anonymous said...

Honestly, this track is extremely arguable. I have no idea who it's from. Totally doubt it's Daft Punk but it could be Justice. Hope it's not though, this shit's a bit weak. :/

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its definately not justice. the galvatrons suck too the singers douchey voice he puts on is an embarrassment, cant take them seriously

Rijk said...

damn, I know it's not Justice cause I heard it before

Anonymous said...

It's a Justice's production for the band "Poney poney" ??

Anonymous said...

the song is called WE KEEDZ from KEEDZ

I like their remixes

Anonymous said...

It's a shame, there are just motherfuckers shitty fakes ! FUCK THE KEEDZ ! ...go find a life

its very cute. thanks too share.....

Great post and thanks for sharing....

I love that idea. Awesome Post..

That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.

That is great to hear, thank you for reading!

Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!

Penile Implant said...

That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.